How To Optimize Your Linkedin Profile As A Techie

Loveday Perfection
3 min readAug 18, 2021


photo credits: Blue Fountain Media

If you were a part of those who read the second to the last Tech Digest post, then you must be well aware of the importance of LinkedIn in your career life. This isn’t just for the techies, it is for everyone. LinkedIn connects you with opportunities, it was created for that purpose and if you do things in the right way, you can end up tapping into these opportunities. So, what is the right way of doing things? Well, here’s what you should know first.

LinkedIn is not just your online resume, it’s an integral part of your online reputation. So… build it!

Statistics show that up to 94% of recruiters use LinkedIn to find candidates. This means that LinkedIn is the go-to place for talent and skill hunting. And if you want to fall into the hands of these recruiters or just get exposed to more opportunities, you need to fine-tune your LinkedIn profile, and here are some tricks that can help.

1. Make Your Tech Skills Stand Out Immediately

Avoid the concept of beating around the bush and just hit the bull in the head. Remember that recruiters are very busy people and they don’t have the time to waste on just one profile. Let your headline immediately summarize who you are professionally and let every other part of your profile communicate that. The more specific you are about your skills, the more you stand out among others.

2. Avoid Inconsistencies With Your Resume

When applying for jobs on LinkedIn, you will be required to submit your resume. But that’s not the end as in most situations, the recruiter will still revisit your profile to gain more context about you. Now, if there happens to be an inconsistency between your resume and your LinkedIn profile, things might not turn out so well. This means, just as much as you update your resume so also should you update your LinkedIn profile.

3. Refine Information Don’t Paste-In Everything

We know there’s a lot about you that you need to share… a lot of good stuff. However, recruiters don’t want to know this right now… maybe later. For now, refine the information to only prioritize your important and brilliant achievements that relate to your current skill set.

4. Set Your Profile Visible To Recruiters

Maybe you don’t know this but LinkedIn is very big on privacy too, at least when it comes to person-to-person privacy. This means you have the ability to define those who can publicly access your profile. So, when you are done refining that profile to become good, head over to the privacy tab and be sure to keep your profile visible to recruiters by toggling on the option Let recruiters know you’re open to opportunities. Doing this will give you a chance of showing up in recruiter searches. But this isn’t a lifetime stuff as you generally have to re-activate this toggle every 90 days.

5. Build Connections… You Really Need It!

While this part doesn’t essentially connect with your chances of getting a job when you apply via LinkedIn, it helps in increasing your chances of recommendations, getting random job opportunity messages from potential clients, and just becomes publicly prominent in the internet space. Connections are like friends on LinkedIn, just the same way you send a friend request on Facebook so also you send a connection request on LinkedIn. The more quality connections you have, the more your chances of showing up on other people’s LinkedIn timelines. To build quality LinkedIn connections fast, here are some things you can try out.

Use LinkedIn groups to connect with others in your industry

Use long-form posts to tell an inspiring story

Republish your articles on LinkedIn

Share Trending articles

Network with LinkedIn influencers and tag them in your content

Engage, Engage, and Engage

And that’s it! Your LinkedIn should be ready to experience a remarkable change. Did you find this article enlightening? Then you might want to consider joining our WhatsApp group using this link



Loveday Perfection

herbalist 🌿 — busy doing juju @opensaucerers @paytagafrica @cholatrek_tech @gdg_akure — 📩